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Open question for the masses.

Last night on the Bill O'Reilly show he had a segment on "cybersex and adultery." The question is, does engaging in instant messaging type sexual communication WITH SOMEONE YOU DON'T KNOW rise to the level of adultery? How about legally? Could a divorce lawyer make a case on that?

(not that I'm at risk here, by the way?)

Anyway, Bill's position was that, if anything, it was a misdemeanor not a felony. Think about it. What a weird question to be asking. Ten years ago this wasn't even possible and 20 years ago it wasn't even thinkable, now it's grounds for divorce. Of course, without the need to share scientific research, defense secrets, and porn, the internet would have never been born.

What a weird, weird world we live in.

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� colin-g 2001-2003