For Them What Care
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I was going to answer you guy's questions in the same form as yesterday but I've decided to take another route.

I don't believe that abortion should be universally illegal but I'm also against abortion on demand.

I believe reasonable people can agree that some limits should be set on abortions but that those same reasonable people are likely to disagree what those limits are.

I believe that excluding cases where we're dealing with rape, incest and the life of the mother, that a total lifetime allotment of two is a reasonable limitation. I don't, however, see how it could be reasonably managed.

I believe that the far right and far left zealots of the abortion issue have their place in this discussion as they tend to set the center.

I believe that when these same self zealots engage in violence or murder they should be held fully accountable under the law and that such acts should be wholeheartedly discouraged by all people involved.

I believe that fathers of unborn children should be allowed to have a say in whether an abortion will occur but I have no idea how to implement it.

I believe that power to set limits on abortions belongs at the state level and I'm against constitutional amendments of any kind that relate to the abortion question.

I do not believe in a universal constitutional right to privacy.

I believe that the legal question of when life "starts" should be the same as when life "ends." It should be tied to brainwave activity.

I believe that the job of a voter is to find the people who most closely represents your values and then vote for them.

I'm for state laws that protect the rights of an unborn fetus and for charging individuals who brought about their death with murder or, in some cases, criminal neglect. This of course excludes doctors performing legal abortions.

I believe states that continue to allow abortions should allow the use of drugs such as RU 486 or other less intrusive/dangerous procedures.

I'm conflicted on the question of stem cell research as it relates to embryos.

I don't believe I have all the answers.

I believe my moral code is not, will never be, nor should ever be the same as everyone else's.

I don't believe more sex education and more readily available condoms freely distributed at our schools will solve the unwanted teenage pregnancy problem. I also don't pretend to claim to know what will.

I don't believe that people's moral beliefs should be dismissed out-of-hand based on their belief or non-belief in a God or their affiliation with an organized religion.

I don't believe that religious organizations are out to get me.

I believe that in the vast majority of the cases people find churches that match their beliefs/needs instead of just being captured and brainwashed into mind-numbed robots.

I believe that my views are more mainstream then many of you give me credit for.

I believe in your fundamental right to disagree with me with being disagreeable.

I pray to God that no friend of mine would ever have to make the choice between rape and abortion.

I believe I have said enough about what I believe.

There it is. Now, flame away if that is your wish. I have broad enough shoulders to take it. If you wish to get something off your chest and hide you identity in my guestbook, I...really...don't...mind. This is MY diary and I'll talk about whatever I feel like. You are invited to read and comment as you wish. If you disagree with me, I definitely encourage you to comment.

When people avoid political discussions that challenge their core beliefs they do themselves a disservice. Not saying you have to do it in this forum (or even that you should) but I learn far more about myself by discussing issues with good people I respect and disagree with then by those who don't challenge my opinion.

You can't hurt me by saying you disagree. You can hurt me by being rude about it. Right now I have 66 people that have me on their favorites list. If that all of a drops to 50, 40, or lower because me using this medium in the way I see fit...well then, fine. I hope you don't mind if I keep reading yours.

I thank you all for reading this far and wish you all a happy, fun-filled weekend. I plan to celebrate my second son's 1st birthday this weekend and when he's blowing out the candle on his first cake I won't even be thinking about this issue. I will be cherishing his life and the joy he brings our family.

Anyway, for them what care.

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� colin-g 2001-2003