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Second post of the day. Questions from Nikulai finished up here

I've converted your dairy names using an anagram tool. Some I could use directly while others I had to either add titles or full names to get anything that made some sense. Anyway, here is the website. You can also visit this one to convert your telephone number to something else.

Below are some of their more interesting listed anagrams:

Quote by Vonnegut: "Just because some of us can read and write and do a little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the universe."
A masquerade can cover a sense of what is real to deceive us; to be unjaded and not lost, we must, then, determine truth.

Quote by Oscar Wilde: "There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about."
Wilde died broken, beaten 'n' total nut. Hate being sunk in that rotten gaol. Shh, gay is taboo.

From Hamlet by Shakespeare: "To be or not to be: that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune."
In one of the Bard's best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.

"Why shouldn't America go re-elect President Clinton in Ninety-Six?"
He has a prime or cunning tendency to wildly solicit Internet sex.

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil A. Armstrong"
A thin man ran; makes a large stride; left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!

Anyway, for them what care...

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� colin-g 2001-2003