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Congratulations Christian, as per your request, you are now a super villain.

Christian always knew he wanted to be evil. Since he was a small child, he had always been caustic, bitter, and sarcastic. These traits led him to his first job working as a waiter at the International House of Pancakes. While working at IHOP, Christian met the woman that would soon change his life. There, working as a third shift cook, was the yet unknown Miss Cleo. Christian spent many a night learning the art of fortune telling. His skills soon surpassed her meager card dependent abilities as the future was like an open book to him.

Eager to practice his unique brand of evil, his career as a criminal got jump started when he advised the then Governor of Arkansas' wife on some cattle futures. Fresh off that victory and moving toward the 1991 Gulf War, Christian traveled to Las Vegas where he put it all on the line taking America (and the point) over the Iraqi underdogs. To hedge his bets, Christian traveled to the middle east where he began dropping leaflet's on the Republican Guard troops that touted a supposed US backed "40 Gallons and a Checkered Cab" deal for all those who surrendered peacefully.

Christian was so successful, he made enough money to buy a small ex-soviet block state. It was during this time while establishing his rule that he first met the Duke of Evil and his Checkered Souls. After a brief negotiation, Christian agreed to sign on as their financial advisor and benefits manager. Now all he needed was a name to strike fear in the hearts of the timid. But what should it be?

Ah...yes. Forever more he'd be known as Baron von Criminal, the Portent of Doom.

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� colin-g 2001-2003