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Anyone remember the election of November 2000?

Well, as the next Presidential election works its way back around you are likely to hear more than a couple of "jokes" related to Bush losing and the Supreme court cheating. Remember too that when you are on the winning side, you tend to forget the little details or specific points of contention while when you are a loser, you tend to remember all those little "facts" that conspired to beat you.

We are going to start hearing these sour grapes in spades. The media is likely to blow the dust off of footage including the holding of ballots up to the light, the slow speed chase of the Ryder truck full of ballots under police escort driving to the Court. You'll hear pundants explaining how it was Jeb Bush's fault, Dick Cheney's fault, Katherine Harris's fault, Anthonin Scalia's fault, and, if they can find a connection, OJ Simpson's fault.

It's okay. Don't let them get to you. Just like when the Raider's fans complain to a Patriot's fan about the "tuck rule" just smile knowingly and point to the scoreboard. In a Presidential election, winning the popular vote is like winning the time of possession, the total yardage, and the turnover ratio. Nice but it doesn't win you the game.

Anyway, here is a little blast from the past humor of that period in our history. And yes, I included jokes from and against both sides. Cheers.

"I want to take a moment here to thank the members of the Supreme Court. You folks really cleared up that mess. And Florida, do us a favor � stay out of the next election." �David Letterman

"Did he concede? What do we do now? Did O.J. or Monica do anything today?" �Jon Stewart, reacting to Gore's concession

"Last night Al Gore gave the speech of his life. Nice timing, Al." �David Letterman

"The two candidates were said to have spent the evening pouring over the complex and detailed Supreme Court ruling. But whereas Gore was pouring over it with his eyes and mind, Bush was pouring a glass of juice over it because quote, 'I don't want to finish my juice.'" �Jon Stewart

"Don't kid yourself. George W. Bush is very excited. He's already working on his first foreign-policy blunder." �David Letterman

"You think late last night Al Gore was sitting up going 'Wait, I got an idea. It's still not too late to impeach Clinton. I'll become president that way! Yeah, let's get a recount!" �Jay Leno

"The final margin in the sate of Florida: 5 votes to 4 votes. The thing about that, it's an 11 percent victory margin for George W. Bush�but it looks like one of the most surprising things about this Florida vote is that George W. Bush got 100 percent of the African American vote." �Jon Stewart, on the majority U.S. Supreme Court ruling joined by Justice Clarence Thomas

"Al Gore also gave his speech. A lot of people said he should have bowed out sooner. That's where he and President Clinton differ. See, Clinton knows when he's been licked." �Jay Leno

"You know, it shows how old I am. I can remember the good old days when the president picked the Supreme Court justices instead of the other way around." �Jay Leno

"Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States, and I promised him that I wouldn't call him back this time." �Vice President Al Gore, conceding the election

"One of George Bush's chief campaign aids said today that there is a quiet serenity about him. He said that Bush has a reassuring calmness. Calmness, really? I mean, Bush admits that he doesn't read the newspaper. His ranch doesn't have a TV set nor a newspaper. That's not serenity, that's not calmness, I don't think he has any idea what's going on." �Jay Leno

"Dick Cheney had a mild heart attack, but they say he'll soon be able to resume his regular activities. I thought having heart attacks was his regular activity. Anyway, since he's a Republican, the heart isn't a major organ." �Jay Leno

"The U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral arguments from both sides. President Clinton spoke out about it. He said an oral argument isn't really an argument." �Jay Leno

"This is another fine mess. A couple of old Jews accidentally vote for a Nazi and the Republic falls apart like a five dollar wool coat hung on a fence post at a corporate moth farm. Third world banana Republics mock us. We're forced to view the grisly spectacle of Chris Mathews' near nightly aneurism . . . Somebody go find a fat lady, drag her to Florida and force her to sing. Bring a cattle prod if need be." �Will Durst

"In light of these events, America is cancelled. Citizens are asked to choose between Canada and Mexico by 4:00 p.m. tomorrow" �from Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

"On Meet the Press last Sunday, Dick Cheney warned that we may be on the edge of a recession. Gov. Bush has since asked his running mate, 'If it's warm enough, can we have recession outside?" �from Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, 48 percent of the people like me!" �comedian Al Franken on what he'd advise Al Gore to say

"Vice President Al Gore has not yet begun to succeed, and there are growing fears that the Vice President is running out of ways to lose." �Daily Show host Jon Stewart

"I have been in the witness protection program for the last three weeks. I campaigned for Ralph Nader. I'm now living as a woman in Mississippi." �Phil Donahue

"This is boring . . . now I know what people went through when they were trying to watch the basketball game and my Bronco was going up the freeway." �O.J. Simpson, on coverage of the Ryder truck carrying ballots to Tallahassee

"O.J. Simpson is in the news. He said he voted in Miami. Finally a voter down there we know can stab through a piece of paper." �Jay Leno

"At the rate we're going, the Inaugural Ball is going to be a surprise party." �comedian Argus Hamilton

"I may not have been the greatest president, but I've had the most fun eight years." �Bill Clinton

"Do you realize the three of you standing there are Colin, Bush and Dick?" �Jay Leno, in a question at a mock news conference at Bush's Texas ranch

"In Little Rock, Arkansas, they are going to name a street after Bill Clinton. Wouldn't that be odd? How would you give directions? Take a left on Main then two blocks later go down on Bill Clinton." �Jay Leno

"The good news is the White House is now giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings... Some of these jokes actually write themselves." �David Letterman

"Everybody has started to lose patience with this election. As a matter of fact, earlier today Yankee great Yogi Berra called Vice President Al Gore and said, 'It's over!'" �David Letterman

"Last night Vice President Al Gore addressed the nation. A lot of folks in Palm Beach, Fla. missed it because they couldn't find the right channel on their remotes." �Jay Leno

"Palm Beach county is the county causing all the problems. And it's old Jews, let's face it, these are my people. And they are people that are, I'm sorry to say, used to being able to send things back." �Jon Stewart, on Letterman

Gore "is like a character in a film who is promised in marriage to a beautiful girl but loses at the last minute in favor of the hero." �Woody Allen, writing in Le Monde

"Al Gore has said today that despite the setbacks, he is keeping hope alive. And Bush said despite the setbacks, he is keeping Dick Cheney alive." �Jay Leno

"How many of you saw George W. Bush last night on television? George was unveiling his new Presidential 'deer in the headlights' look. George said the outcome was clear. Yeah, it's about as clear as a Robert Downey Jr. urine test." �David Letterman

"Katherine Harris is in the middle of her 15 minutes of fame. Here's stage one of the 15 minutes of fame: Public ridicule. Stage two: The beauty makeover. Stage three: Posing nude for Playboy. Stage four: Becoming Mrs. Larry King." �David Letterman

"The latest is George W. Bush seems to have won the overseas vote. Which just goes to prove that the further you live from the U.S., the better he looks." �Jay Leno

"It gives me a chance to be around people who are younger than I am ... kind of keeps me going, gets my juices going." �President Clinton, discussing plans to be involved in the Internet after his presidency

"Did anyone see the Florida Supreme Court hearing yesterday? The judges kept asking the same question over and over again, are you sure you want either of these guys to be elected?" �David Letterman

"The Democrats have a new plan. They are going to send Clinton to Florida to hit on Katherine Harris." �David Letterman

"President Clinton visited Vietnam this week, and to balance things out, John McCain got high and made out with some British college girls." �from Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

"On Thursday, Hillary (Clinton) arrived in Vietnam, where she was greeted by adoring crowds. She immediately bought a hut and declared her candidacy for mayor of Hanoi." �from Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

"When asked if officials should consider hanging chads, George W. Bush said, 'Yeah, let's hang him. Who is he? Let's do it.'" �from Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

"Al Gore keeps saying that the will of the people is being repressed. Neither Bush or Gore won. Now isn't that the will of the people?" �David Letterman

"This election may be decided by overseas absentee ballots. Now, I say that ain't fair. Those people should have to come back to the country and suffer with the rest of us before they can vote!" �Jay Leno

"Lots of people are making fun of Katherine Harris, the Florida secretary of state. They're mainly making fun of her makeup, saying she doesn't know how to apply eye shadow or put on blush. This is just coming from Al Gore!" �Jay Leno

"Though my plans at the moment are vague, I assure you that I'll never run for Senate in New York" �Laura Bush

"They're still counting absentee ballots in some places. Know how slow it is to count these? Well, just today seven votes came in for Michael Dukakis!" �David Letterman

"Here's my solution to the election. Bush will be the president of the red states and Gore will be president of the blue states. It's over, that's all!" �David Letterman

"The son of Florida Governor Jeb Bush, his son Jeb Junior, he's just 16 years old. Turns out last month he was found in a parking lot naked with a girl. I'm thinking this might be the Bush with presidential material." �David Letterman

"If the recounts don't stop, here's my fear � sooner or later there's going to be a winner." �Late Show host David Letterman

"She is acting in the finest tradition of a Soviet commissar." �Gore spokesman Chris Lehane, on Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's decision to halt manual vote recounting on Tuesday

"Hillary Clinton is the first woman senator from New York. Bill got a little misty eyed at her acceptance speech the other night. Who can blame him, Hillary is a Senator, Monica is a millionaire, and Paula Jones is in Penthouse, all the girls are doing well!" �Jay Leno

"There is still no winner. There is a state of confusion and not knowing in America. So I guess the Bush era has begun." �Politically Incorrect host Bill Maher

"Both candidates are feeling the pressure....Al Gore has been testy with his staff and late today George W. Bush broke down and yelled at his parents, 'You promised!'" �Bill Maher

"In times like this, it really makes you wonder about George W. Bush. Does he understand what's going on? Earlier today down in Austin, George W. Bush held a press conference and demanded a refill." �Late Show host David Letterman

"This race is tight like a too-small bathing suit on a too-long ride home from the beach." �one of many Dan Ratherisms from election night

"If those two boys can't make up their minds ... well ... then ... I'll just stay" �President Clinton

"Should have had a recount in '96, that's all I know." �Former Sen. Bob Dole

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