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People who have read elsworthy's well written post on "Gay Marriages" may be eagerly waiting for my "rebuttal." Then again, I'm likely giving myself too much credit for importance in your daily lives. Well, what writer doesn't have at least a slightly inflated ego. Anyway, I'm sorry to disappoint as I'm not going to get into the debate. This is one of those "no win" situations where even a "reasoned" objection would get you hammered as an intolerant homophobe. I'll let others say their piece as it isn't a voting issue for me.

That said, I find "Civil Unions" to be a fine compromise between two sides both who claim moral superiority in the "Gay Marriage" debate. With this solution, gay couples would have what they say they are after (equal rights) while those who wish to protect the sanctity of marriage (as a religious activity) get their way. With this two different things approach, everyone wins. Including the Atheists who aren't gay but have been being forced to participate in religious ceremonies in order to gain the benefits now granted by the Civil Union. Once Civil Union is on the books in all 50 states, we can finally put this issue to bed.

We should all remember that if you don't want to be judged by your moral beliefs, you probably shouldn't be judging others on theirs just because they don't agree with you. Nothing can be more intolerant than calling someone else intolerant. Or for the more religious oriented amounst us I believe it is, "judge not lest ye be judged," or some such.

Anyway, for them what care...

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