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I didn't get as much rest as I'd liked to have the weekend due to an unexpected get together at a friend's house. There were more than a few people rolling through their house at any given time. We all took this new Internet quiz (see below), worked on project, did imitations of our closest friends, and experience some high quality Indian food. FOXphotog has written it up already by my notable quote from the experience of eating probably the worse Indian food I've ever had came when Puckeater cried out, "It feels like I licked the sun..." I was the only one to order spicy food but with all the running noses and red eyes, it looked like we were all doing lines of confectioner sugar. I'll let Puckeater tell the full story.

I'll write more later but here is my result from the Internet Quiz.

Duke Cuan
Which Atlantian Duke are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

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� colin-g 2001-2003