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Fighter practice last knight was entertaining. First there was the heavy traffic and then there was the heavy hitters moving my shield around.

I'm using the same shield I've had for 3 years now with the only difference being that I've lightened it by removing the leather covering and the washer hose edging. This has made the shield lighter and (arguably) prettier but it is tiring my arm out faster.

The lighter shield is less able to absorb energy thus it is all getting transferred into my shoulder. Add to that the extra strength spent to keep it from flying away and you can see the problem. It still hasn't taken any dents or bends but I'm thinking it is far too light to use against a glaive man or someone throwing with the power Kevin of Thornbury brings.

Speaking of Kevin, he is quickly becoming the "Aradd of the North" in that whenever we cross swords, he seems to find my least armored spot and hit it with force. There is a reason I have a 40" long sword and his name is Kevin.

Still, it was good to be back in armor and throwing blows. I made a point to fight all the new fighters at least once and to give advice when asked. There is a pretty good group of guys and gals that come out to the Monday night practice. It is a great learning environment that seems to leave egos at the door.

Anyway, I had a good time and even though I woke up bruised and sore, it is still a good feeling.

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� colin-g 2001-2003