For Them What Care
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"It's a revolution, damn it! We're going to have to offend somebody!" - John Adams, 1776

I feel a rant coming on...

When involved in an argument, I made it a point to never personally attacked anyone or even the institution with which they belong. I realize I'm not perfect and I often walk a fine line between what may be perceived as going after the institution instead of the policy, processes or law that I disagree with. You see, I'm an analyst by training so I'm often walking into new business and evaluating their procedures. I'm looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase productivity. For my discipline, this mainly involves review of a business's electronic communication methods. Not just emails but order processing, task management, invoicing, etc.

In a lot of cases, the people I'm trying to help are concerned that they are "being judged" and found wanting. They don't realize that "we've always done it that way" usually translates to "technology could support any other method when we got started." Very, very common and I always try hard to reassure them that we are here to help. The ones that demand we do something immediately are far better customers than those who are resistant to change.

Which brings me to what I hate...

As most of you probably already know, one of the things that is always considered to be off limits in any kind of a debate or communications is the questioning of one's motives. You know, inferring what someone meant and implying the worst possible of intent. That type of behavior I will always smacked down hard (though I will usually attempt to take the person aside as it is a more appropriate venue for discussing my personal grievous). While I don't appreciate public indictments that take my comments completely out of context, I still refuse to escalate and finger point in an open forum. And if it is not within the confines of my business...they going to get it from me with both barrels.

Now I'm not talking about attacking my ideas or beliefs...go ahead and fire away. I'm talking about assuming the worst and attacking my motives directly. When you chose a "bully" method that publicly puts me in an at risk situation, it requires immediate condemnation. I may analyze and challenge common wisdom such that none should feel comfortable within their confines of political correctness and their group think mentality but I will not be the target of someone's self-righteous indignation or anyone's attempts at peacock type posturing. I understand the need to try to judge a person's intend (and motives) as it is a strong instinct we all fight. To combat that, I attempt to assume the best until they've proven the worst. Like I said, I'm not perfect. Even I blow it sometimes and have to apologies. I don't mind apologizing when I'm in the wrong but...

You know what else I hate? "You offended me." It always makes me think of the Fugitive when Tommy Lee Jones answers Harrison Ford's comment that he didn't kill his wife with, "I don't care." If you get offended at the drop of the hat without even taking the time to consider the validity of the comments that set you off, then you are a close-minded shallow thinskinned stick-in-the-mud that should be shunned and ridiculed by all. (Did that offend you? Why?)

If you want me to respect you as a person, you better respect my rights to ask tough questions and correctly challenge an incorrect status quo. I will also not waste time arguing over whether or not a general perception held by many is true or not. To ignore the fact that the emperor is not wearing clothes does nothing to rectify the "naked" truth. You must acknowledge the realities and then actively work to overcome an individual or a team...making use of individual's different strengths and weakness to combat this perception you hate.

Hey, if you've pissed me off in the past I'm always willing to start over once payment is made in full. I don't even ask that you make it in public. I do expect you learn and grow from the experience. Some of the hardest lessons that I've learned have been through being stupid and embarrassing myself. Those lessons are harder and last longer. I also generally don't forget them.

Anyway, for them what care...

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� colin-g 2001-2003