For Them What Care
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"It's a revolution, damn it! We're going to have to offend somebody!" - John Adams, 1776

I feel a rant coming on...

Why am I such a troublemaker? Why do I push people's buttons? Is it because I'm an asshole or is it something more noble?

Maybe it is just my disability...

On occasion I'll spout out some dribble on this page that some might call my person philosophy of life. I like to think of it as ramblings ripped from a mad mind in an effort to make sense of a mad world.

Does it ever makes sense? Sure, some of the time. Does it ever offend? You bet...and what powerful tool that can be. I have never promised not to offend you. In fact, I make you a promise now that at some point in your life (probably multiple points in your life), if we continue to interact in one medium or another, I'm going to offend you. Hopefully because I'm challenging you to think outside your comfort zone but also probably because I embrace that fact that I am an imperfect being. And in my imperfectness, I'm going to make mistakes.

Still, as troublemakers go, I don't choose to leave bodies in my wake so...if I ever hurt you with my comments let me know how and we'll work through it. If I offended you by something I said here, I'll explain to you why you were wrong. When I join a mailing list I try a little harder to be moderate and less antagonistic. But here, this is my diary and my mad ramblings. Here I am king of the world and master of the domain. You are a welcome guest with whom I encourage to add your comments and/or flames in the provided forum.

I've been on a break for some time as work has been busy. But now I'm back and I'll be as controversial as I ever have. The election is coming up as are a number of important court cases. There are enough things happening in the SCA that I may or may not comment on them here (due to my role in various things...vague huh?). Still, don't come here expecting to read about peace, love, and understanding.

Here, you and I get to exercise our minds. I plan on learning much from you. We'll see what else happens.

I'm a troublemaker and a button pusher. You have been forewarned.

Anyway, for them what care...there it is.

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� colin-g 2001-2003