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Congratulations Mistress Isobel, you are now a super villainess.

Ah, the most powerful of all human emotions is love. But what if you introduce a non-human demoness into the equation?

There are those that walk among us with the power to command men's souls. Mistress Isobel is such a being. With her long flowing red hair and beautiful harp playing it would be easy to mistake her for an angel. But that would be a lasting mistake for this succubus does not require onions to make boys cry, she is the Angel of Death!

Armed with her beautiful singing voice, alluring British accent, and vast knowledge of the more arcane oral traditions, she can often be found trolling the Universities offering to teach boys the proper way to "hold and use their swords." You should respectfully decline this golden apple of knowledge the Angel of Death offers or you may find yourself being licked by her deadly 40" long steel "tongue." Though her skills with paints are legendary, do not accept if she offers to paint you as you'll likely as not find yourself in the position of the canvas.

Her illuminating presence has caused more than one man to seek out the confession booth, "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's ass..." Oh yeah, she makes many a soul break THAT one. Ask to see her necklace of the shrunken heads representing men whose essence she's captured. The Angel of Death keeps these close to her heart as it is said that she lives off not but caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and the souls of weak men.

Don't let the British accent fool you as she is no Mary Poppins. A spoon full of what she offers won't keep anything down.

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� colin-g 2001-2003