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After reading the Weekly Standard article surrounding the Democrat Senate Minority Leader's new status with the Catholic Church, I'm starting to think the Pope isn't screwing around anymore when it comes to church doctrine. Maybe my good friend Gorm could give him a call and give him a few tips on how to get through this but I'm still not at all sure what "membership not in good standing" means.

Sure Daschle was already going to hell for divorcing and re-marrying (read as, can't take communion) without following Church procedure but now they are even taking away his ability to MENTION the Church on his bio and at rallies. He's also likely not the last one to get this new honorific as individuals such as Cuomo, Kerry, Gray Davis, et al. are already on the short list for a little papal payback.

Apparently, in January of this year, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger issued in Rome a "Doctrinal Note" regarding Catholics in politics. The relevant part seems to be the section that reads "A well-formed Christian conscience," the note declared, "does not permit one to vote for a political program or an individual law which contradicts the fundamental contents of faith and morals." Across the country, Priests and Bishops are laying the moral hammer down on forked-tongue politician who call themselves "pro-choice Catholics." The result being no transubstantiation for the wicked.

Truly, I don't have a problem with this. It is no different than the AFL-CIO pulling a politician's membership card.

Anyway, Happy Easter to all...

[singing] "Look for, the Union Label..."

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� colin-g 2001-2003