For Them What Care
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Happy New Year all!

Lots of bad things happened last year as well as a lot of good. Let's look at a couple of them.

Bad: Lost my job, forced to move.
Good: Got a new one, great friends in new area.

Bad: Friends and family died or are still in the hospital.
Good: My second son and his little "girlfriend" Regan were born.

Bad: The Carolina Panthers produced another non-winning (we don't say losing) season.
Good: They went from 31st ranked Defense to 2nd in the NFL.

Bad: Friends got divorced and are lonely.
Good: Friends got married and are happy.

Bad: Too many nights away from my family, missing my son's 3rd birthday, first Holiday not spent with my wife.
Good: New friends doing everything in their power to be supportive and caring.

Bad: Old friends calling you up out of the blue telling you what a bad person you are/were.
Good: Calling my owe son and hearing him say, "I love you daddy. Come home."

Bad: Trent Lott stepped on his wee-wee.
Good: The Republicans took back over Senate and increased their lead in the an off year election.

I never look back at a year with regret. Each year I hope to learn all that my individual struggles and triumphs can teach me. I look at what it was that motivated me and inspired me to keep moving, keep trying. In each event that negatively effected my life I could have chosen to quit or give roll up into a ball and call in sick to life. I could be bitter and caustic or I could blame others for my problems. After all, that's FAR easier than being civil or taking personal responsibility. During my life I'll take risks, behave badly, and make a million poor choices that could come back to haunt me. But if I blame you, I'm saying you have power over my free will and that is NOT a power I want you to have.

The Year 2002 had no power over me either. I'll drink a toast of kind remembrance for days now in the past while fondly remembering the good times and letting the bad gently slip from memory. I'll move forward into 2003 without anger, without resentment, without remorse, and without fear. The previous 32 years haven't beaten me yet so the odds are my 33rd hasn't a chance in hell of doing me in.

All of you are sitting there saying "Yeah well, I'm different. You don't know what I'm going through" need to just zip on the +3 parka of protection and let my words, like water, roll off your back because misery loves company and there are plenty of people willing to be miserable with you. But, and this is just a thought, wouldn't it be better to be happy?

Anyway, for them what care...there it is.

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� colin-g 2001-2003