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Judge's Allowing Muslim Woman's Veiled License Challenge Sparks Like Case in Commonwealth of Virginia

Following an Orange County, Fla., circuit judge ruled Thursday that a Muslim woman can pursue her legal fight to wear a veil for a driver's license photo, a local clan of ninjas brought suit on behalf of Educaitlin - Not a Ninja seeking similar protections.

"I don't show my face to victims or strangers," Educaitlin said.

Despite objections from the state that it jeopardizes public safety, a spokesman for the local group promised not to compromise the tong's needs for security for a driver's license. "Taking her ninja's hood is like taking her shirt or pants off," Frank said.

Educaitin's lawyer, Luciaantony, said that this restriction of photos for licenses violated her right to privacy and freedom of speech. She further states that the law concerning this case is vague and that the state acted from "naked negative Hollywood propaganda" when they hastily ruled that this of course could not be allowed. "The state must prove there is a public safety concern, not a general concern for individuals who may or may not be targets of a contract assassination."

Local editorialist and internet columnist, Colin G, was asked to comment on this turn of event. His comments were short, "Damn, The Onion couldn't make shit like this up."

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