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Congratulations Mistress Rhiannon, as per your friend's request, you are now a fantasy hero.

The Dark Goddess of Battles, Morrigu surveyed the battlefield. Sickened by the waste, she sent forth her dark ravens, bidding them seek for a soul worthy to guide man from the path of war.

Then did the black corvus fly. And by the edge of the battle, they found a grieving maiden of Wales, mourning her losses. Wildly did she decry the madness of mankind and the battle crows knew they had found their seeking. Red of hair and strong of spirit, the ravens called her before the Morrigu. And the goddess gave the maiden powers three-fold, that she might prevent the madness of war.

First, she gifted the maiden with the Cleavage of Distraction, that she might, with kind words and a good (um) aspect, bend men's minds from battle and turn their thoughts to love.

Then, for those times when gentle speech fails to sway, the Morrigu gave to the maid Ice Breath, that she might freeze the souls of those who did wrong.

Last, she gave to her scarlet champion, the Whip of Compulsion, that when all other persuasion failed, she might compell to them quit their evil ways.

And the Morrigu did mark her champion with a triple raven so that all might know her will, and she bid the dark birds to remain besides the maiden, to defend her and her people.

Thus did the Snowcat come to serve the goddess of battles and save mankind from their folly.

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� colin-g 2001-2003