For Them What Care
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Well, let me start off by joining others in congratulating both Matt and Erin and Gen and Alan. Due to the imminent arrival of our second child, we have been unable to travel any distance greater than 2 hours. I'm sorry we missed it. Best wishes to both happy couples.

This weekend saw Sue and I staying home doing work around the house. You know, that last minute stuff that will be completely ignored for at least 2-3 weeks after the baby's arrival: mowing, raking, and cleaning. I am the King of the Honeydo List!

Here is an interesting quote from this weekend, "Nothing says thanks for cleaning the toilets like oral sex." Now what is interesting about it is not what you may think. The English language is funny in that the above sentence has a major problem; it can be taken two ways (maybe more). Note the quotes below for added emphasis.

  1. Nothing says "thanks for cleaning the toilets" like oral sex.
  2. Nothing says "thanks for cleaning the toilets like oral sex."

Okay all you Grammar Nazis, how does one change the above sentence to remove the problem? The difference in meaning is too vast to not learn how to fix it. I mean, yuck!

Anyway, our little family went to the park on Sunday evening to once again give Zack the opportunity to play with kids his age. After some time on the jungle gym, Sue went back to the car to rest (she's pregnant you know) while Zack and I went for a little walk down a nature trail. Being that he's only two years old I require him to hold my hand so I can help stop him from face planting after tripping on some sneaky roots. As we were heading in a father with three daughters was heading out. These girls all looked to be between the ages of 5-6. Zack immediately ran up to the first girl in the precession and gave her a big hug. Have I mentioned Zack is kind of short? The father was laughing hysterically while I tried to pry my smiling son's arms from around this terrified girl's body. I'm apologizing as fast and furiously as I can while my son is making like Kevin of Thornbury, "hey baby."

We continue on our walk listening to the crickets and birds and my son is running up to every other tree on the path giving them a hug. (NO COMMENTS!!! I'M WARNING YOU!!!) We started the trip heading down the red path till we got to a fork. From there it splits into a white path and a green path. The white one obviously will eventually takes us back around to the car while the green one goes deeper into the woods. My son was adamant that we go down the green one and picked on me when I set down the white path. There is no fooling this kid. After stopping to identify stuff like bark, ferns, and moss, we did finally make it back to the car with no scratches, no angry fathers dogging my heals, and my son with a hand full of moss to show his mommy.

Don't know how I'm going to handle two boys but as I keep telling my wife, others have done it, why can't we?

Anyway, for them what care...

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� colin-g 2001-2003