For Them What Care
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Okay, so here's the deal. For the last 2 months I've been getting a lot of reading done while commuting 2 and a half hours oneway 4-5 times a week. Okay so I'm cheating and just listening...but books on tape (unabridged) can really help kill the 1000 mile stare if they are any good. I've been focusing on two series really.

The first is one that I never thought I'd read because "everyone's doing it." That series is the Harry Porter books (through the first two already...looking for the 3rd). Yes it was written in such a way the 10 year olds would enjoy it but I'll be damned if I'm not looking forward to getting up early to get on the road and hear the next chapter. The formula is not complicated, the characters are not deep and it is chucked full of cliches but I honestly think that is what makes it appealing. The message is simple, the lines between good and evil are clear, and you are not fed the answers with a silver spoon (a splintery wood one maybe but...). Enjoyable, PG, and memorable. Nice read (or listen).

On the other hand, the second group I'm rereading now is the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. These books are more like cramming for an exam. So far after 8 books, mister Jordan has weaved a story so complex with so many POV's and sub-plots that I have no confidence that he will be able to wrap this up in a satisfactory matter in my lifetime. So why reread them? Simple. I hold out this vain hope that somewhere hidden deep within the recesses of these monstrous tomes, between the adjusting of Aes Sedai shawls, the answer has already been written. This epic adventure has a dedicated following that can quote chapters and pages where seemingly unimportant dribble apparently holds all the true answers. I'm not even listening to them in order now. It's not even important. It's mind numbing. Thus, time flies on these long trips.

After 2 months of getting up before 6am and getting home after 9pm, it is finally coming to an end. We move into our new home next Monday and I'll be 10 minutes from work. No more unabridged novels to pass the time. I may even start listening to radio stations again. Probably the news. But at least I will be able to tuck my son in at night again. Maybe even watch the Teletubbies with him in the morning before heading in (god I can't believe I'm saying that). I'll get to have dinner with my wife BEFORE the O'Reilly Factor comes on. Yes, I'm a happy man. If I can get through this weekend's move that is.

Anyway, for them what care, there it is.

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� colin-g 2001-2003