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Wow, my second post in under 24 hours. And this is my 50th! This one is for you dameanne. As per your request, you are now a superhero.

Anne le Coeur, by day a loving mother and a mild-mannered nurse with a disarming bedside manner, by night a crimefighter.

Being a pacifist with the power to heal those injured with a simple loving word, Southern Comfort chose to fight evil with her endearing smile and charming accent. Evildoers would stop dead in their tracks overcome with an overwhelming desire to sip sweetened ice tea and to watch reruns of "the Andy Griffith Show." They'd faun over her drawl and offer to carry her groceries hoping beyond hope that she'd speak one more time.

Oh but this superhero had a dark side. Being fiercely loyal to her friends, Southern Comfort would become enraged when her companions were hurt or insulted.


Southern Comfort

With wild abandon, she would reach into her utility belt and whip out....bars of 99% pure Dove soap (it floats, you know) and begin to wash out the mouths of the malefactors.

In a lathered rage, she would order them to serve 3 months of community service as candy stripers at the local hospital.

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� colin-g 2001-2003